Stand in the middle of the step.
Begin by facing the step.
Basic Right leg (Right arm up, left arm up, pull down 2 times to count of 8, then bring
right arm down, left arm down and upright row 2 times to count of 8).
Add 4 alternating side leg lifts
Switch to left lead
Basic Left leg (Arms are up, side, in and down - do this to 2 counts of 8)
Add 4 Alternating Knee lifts (pull down the arms)
Repeat several times
Add on:
Step Wide on step beginning with left leg up followed by right (overhead bicep curl
left arm, then right)
Bring feet together in the middle by hopping or stepping, clap 2 times
Repeat the same movement on the ground - Do this sequence 2 times
Kick 4 times alternating legs beginning with the right leg (arms are pulled down)
4 alternating glute lifts, front raise arms (can add propulsion if you want to)
4 alternating curls pulling arms
Start routine from the top.
Begin by facing the step.
4 Basic R leg leads (banana or monkey arms)
4 Alternating Knee lifts (pull down the arms)
4 Toe taps (frontal raise the arms)
4 Jumping Jacks (low impact alternate are side toe touches beginning with the R).
After performing a few times on the R side, switch to the left after the 4th jack. Do the
same routine with the L leg. After
performing a few times, switch back and forth between the R and L.
Begin by facing the step.
1 Grapevine R (roll the arms)
3 side lifts (off end of the step, pulling the arms down)
1 Grapevine L (roll the arms)
3 side lifts (off the end of the step, pulling the arms down)
Perform a few times and switch the side lift to a knee lift pressing the arms to the
center of the body (pec press).
After performing a few times, change the movement to a kick punching the arms.
Eventually put all 3 moves together:
1 Grapevine R
1 Side lift
1 Knee lift
1 Kick
1 Grapevine L
1 Side lift
1 Kick
To make this routine more intense substitute over the top for the grapevine move.