Changing to Low Fat Cooking

By Pankil shah

Remember healthy and low calorie food plays very important role to maintain your fitness.

Steps to Altering the Recipe

1. Use applesauce or fruit purees in place of butter and oil in baked goods.

2. Use skim milk instead of whole milk.

3. Replace heavy cream with evaporated skim milk or low fat yogurt. (I usually use low fat yogurt).

4.Avoid using oily food and add less oil while preparing vegetables if possible add little water instead of extra oil

5. Avoid cheese items like pizzza etc which contain more calories.

6.Avoid vegetables like potatoes, beetroot,sweet potatoes and Brinjals.

7.Avoid eating fruits like Banannas,chikoos and mangoes which contains more calories.

8.Cook your food in pan which will require less oil while cooking or even without oil it can be cooked. It is upto intrest of different individuals.

Remember there are many tips which are most important apart from this but to get them if you are really intrested than you have to contact me on my mail Id ie.

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