Weight loose Home Page



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Health & Fitness Home Page

Written & Maintained by Pankil shah





I have been an ACE certified aerobic instructor since August of 1996 . In the spring of 1997, I completed a 40 hour aerobic instructor training program conducted by Bally's US Swim & Fitness. After completing their training program, I taught aerobics in Ahmedabad Ellisbridge Gymkhana. I have my self experince of more than four years in this field.


When I was a small guy I was very fat ,lazy fellow all the time doing no activicty.I had put up a lot of weight ie.98kgs just at the age of 15-16 years but as I grew up I realised.With a great sprit,enthusiasm,proper exercise and diet I reduced 52 kgs in just 5-6 months.You can make it out by my photo attached to this site.


If you think that this is not ours cup of tea then its a wrong notation.Nothing is impossible in this world.You can also do this with a firm determination and hard work, ofcourse a a proper guidance is also required and this is the right place where you can get it .

I take continuing education courses every year to try to keep current on fitness trends, breakthroughs, concepts and theories. While I enjoy exercising and exercise instruction, it is just a part-time job for me (I do have a full-time job in a field unrelated to exercise). You can contact me at shahpankil@usa.net (although I have appreciated reading the comments and the questions you have sent). If you are looking for someone to answer your questions and get your problem solved then this is the best place where all your query's will be solved.All your reply will be solved immediately.

I give you gurantee that maximum output will be resulted with all all the efforts you put in by my consultation.


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